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In Development Package, API may change between versions.

import "github.com/egdaemon/eg/runtime/x/wasi/egflatpak"

Package egflatpak provides utilities for build and publishing software using flatpak.

<a name="Build"></a>

func Build

func Build(ctx context.Context, runtime shell.Command, b *Builder) error

Build the flatpak, requires that the container is run with --privileged option. due to kernel/bwrap issues. e.g.)

func main() {
	ctx, done := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), egenv.TTL())
	defer done()
	err := eg.Perform(
		// not eg.DefaultModule() does not have flatpak installed by default, you'll
		// have to provide a container with flatpak installed.
			ctx, eg.DefaultModule().OptionLiteral("--privileged"),
	if err != nil {

<a name="BuildOp"></a>

func BuildOp

func BuildOp(runtime shell.Command, b *Builder) eg.OpFn

eg op for running flatpka-builder

<a name="ManifestOp"></a>

func ManifestOp

func ManifestOp(path string, b *Builder) eg.OpFn

write the manifest to the specified path.

<a name="Builder"></a>

type Builder

type Builder struct {

<a name="New"></a>

func New

func New(id string, command string, options ...option) *Builder

configure the manifest for building the flatpak, but default it'll copy everything in the current directory in an rsync like manner.

<a name="Manifest"></a>

type Manifest

Manifests describe how to build the application. see https://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/manifests.html

type Manifest struct {
    ID         string `yaml:"id"`
    Runtime    `yaml:",inline"`
    SDK        `yaml:",inline"`
    Command    string   `yaml:"command"`
    Modules    []Module `yaml:"modules"`
    FinishArgs []string `yaml:"finish-args"`

<a name="Module"></a>

type Module

type Module struct {
    Name          string   `yaml:"name"`
    BuildSystem   string   `yaml:"buildsystem,omitempty"`
    SubDirectory  string   `yaml:"subdir,omitempty"` // build inside the specified sub directory.
    ConfigOptions []string `yaml:"config-opts,omitempty"`
    Cleanup       []string `yaml:"cleanup,omitempty"`      // files/directories to remove once done.
    PostInstall   []string `yaml:"post-install,omitempty"` // commands to execute post installation.
    Commands      []string `yaml:"build-commands,omitempty"`
    Sources       []Source `yaml:"sources,omitempty"`

<a name="ModuleCopy"></a>

func ModuleCopy

func ModuleCopy(dir string) Module

Not recommended, here for testing: build a module directly from a directory.

<a name="ModuleTarball"></a>

func ModuleTarball

func ModuleTarball(url, sha256d string) Module

build a module from a binary tarball.

<a name="NewModule"></a>

func NewModule

func NewModule(name, system string, options ...moption) Module

<a name="Runtime"></a>

type Runtime

type Runtime struct {
    ID      string `yaml:"runtime"`
    Version string `yaml:"runtime-version"`

<a name="SDK"></a>

type SDK

type SDK struct {
    ID      string `yaml:"sdk"`
    Version string `yaml:"-"`

<a name="Source"></a>

type Source

type Source struct {
    Type            string   `yaml:"type"`
    Destination     string   `yaml:"dest-filename,omitempty"`    // used by archive source(s).
    Path            string   `yaml:"path,omitempty"`             // used by directory source.
    URL             string   `yaml:"url,omitempty"`              // used by archive source.
    SHA256          string   `yaml:"sha256,omitempty"`           // used by archive source(s).
    StripComponents int      `yaml:"strip-components,omitempty"` // used by archive source(s).
    Tag             string   `yaml:"tag,omitempty"`              // used by git sources(s).
    Commit          string   `yaml:"commit,omitempty"`           // used by git source(s).
    Mirrors         []string `yaml:"mirror-urls,omitempty"`      // used by git source(s).
    Architectures   []string `yaml:"only-arches,omitempty"`      // used by archive source(s).
    Commands        []string `yaml:"commands,omitempty"`

<a name="SourceDir"></a>

func SourceDir

func SourceDir(dir string, options ...soption) Source

<a name="SourceGit"></a>

func SourceGit

func SourceGit(url, commit string, options ...soption) Source

<a name="SourceShell"></a>

func SourceShell

func SourceShell(options ...soption) Source

<a name="SourceTarball"></a>

func SourceTarball

func SourceTarball(url, sha256d string, options ...soption) Source