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In Development Package, API may change between versions.

import "github.com/egdaemon/eg/runtime/x/wasi/egpostgresql"

Package egpostgresql provides functionality for setting up a postgresql service within eg environments. Specifically allows for waiting for the postgresql service to become available and configuring local access.

<a name="Auto"></a>

func Auto

func Auto(ctx context.Context, _ eg.Op) (err error)

Wait for postgresql to become available and then configure the instance for use by root and egd users.

<details><summary>Example</summary> <p>
package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		err error

	ctx := context.Background()
	err = eg.Perform(
		egpostgresql.Auto,                        // wait for postgresql to become ready
		egpostgresql.RecreateDatabase("example"), // create a database.
		egpostgresql.InsertSuperuser("soandso"),  // create a superuser to use.
	if err != nil {
</p> </details>

<a name="AutoLocatePort"></a>

func AutoLocatePort

func AutoLocatePort(ctx context.Context) int

attempts to determine what port postgresql is listening on

<a name="Environ"></a>

func Environ

func Environ() []string

build a environment that sets up postgresql the standard postgresql variables.

<a name="InsertSuperuser"></a>

func InsertSuperuser

func InsertSuperuser(name string) eg.OpFn

Create a superuser with the provided name.

<a name="LocatePort"></a>

func LocatePort

func LocatePort(ctx context.Context, begin, end int) int

determine what port postgresql is listening on within a given range. if it can't determine the port it returns the default pg port 5432.

<a name="RecreateDatabase"></a>

func RecreateDatabase

func RecreateDatabase(name string) eg.OpFn

Forcibly recreate a database.

<a name="Runtime"></a>

func Runtime

func Runtime() shell.Command

Create a shell runtime that properly sets up the postgresql environment.